The Derby Probus Club

 Welcome to the Derby Probus Club Website

A Probus club is a local association of retired and semi-retired professional and business gentlemen, and others who have had some measure of responsibility in any field of worthy endeavour and are of good character. Clubs meet regularly for fellowship and an extension of their interests.

Each Probus club is autonomous. Although there are many Probus Clubs around the country and overseas, there is no central organisation and each club sets its own rules.

The Derby Probus Club aims to provide the opportunity for retired professional and business ​gentlemen to develop friendship and acquaintances of others with similar backgrounds, circumstances and interests. Currently the club has 45 members from a wide range of backgrounds, interests and former occupations.

Our core activity is the monthly lunch at which we have invited speakers to  present on a wide variety of subjects and interests (average attendance is around 35 members). Additionally, we have several social activities spread throughout the year.Lunch meetings (starting at 12:00 for 12:30) are held on the second Thursday of each month.

If you live in the Derby area why not consider joining us? New members are always welcome.

To find out more or enquire about membership contact our secretary at or call 01332-515132.