The Derby Probus Club

Visit to Black Country Living Museum on August 8th., 2023

14 Club Members and partners met at Derby Bus Station in good time for the Skill’s Coach, which was on time for our pickup.

As we were not booked into the Museum until 11:15, we had a leisurely drive to the Museum site with a stop off at a Service Station en-route.

The weather was heavily overcast with a couple of light showers that did not appear to dampen our spirits.

Once at the Museum, and booked in, members went their various ways to enjoy the many attractions of Fish & Chips cooked in dripping, Trip underground to experience conditions in a dark candlelit drift mine, Funfair attractions, Trip in the canal tunnel, Pint at one of the pubs and looking at past living conditions, Viewing streets, shops, old motor vehicles, talking to some of the costumed players and much more.

  Looking at the number of cars in the car parks there must have been a lot of people on the site, but we really did not notice any crowding because the site is so big.

The visit finished around 4:00pm and we arrived back at Derby Bus Station around 6:00pm.